Introduction to Inductive Bible Study
(½ day)
A practical hands-on ‘taster’ session.

Do you long to know the Bible better? Have you ever read the Bible and then 2 minutes later find you have completely forgotten what it said? Or perhaps you struggle with understanding what it is all about? This is a hands-on practical introduction to inductive Bible study, which introduces basic Inductive study methods and tools. This seminar will help you interpret scripture and apply its truths to your life – just a taster to whet your appetite!

40-Minute Bible Study series
(½ day-1 day)

This workshop teaches you how to use the materials as well as reinforcing basic inductive Bible study skills. Plus will assist study group leaders to develop their confidence in using 40 Minute study books, and to select appropriate material for their groups. Many have shared with us how the application of the inductive study method in the 40-Minute Bible study series has immediately impacted lives for Christ’s glory.

New Inductive Study Series (NISS)
(½ day-1 day)

This workshop helps you understand the value of the NISS Bible study books. Perfect for beginners to inductive Bible study or those new to the NISS series. The workshop also trains in basic inductive Bible study skills.

PUP Basic Training
(1 Day)

This workshop introduces Precept’s premier inductive Bible study series, Precept-Upon-Precept (PUP). You will learn how to handle the material accurately. This workshop fulfils the training requirement to lead a PUP class.

PUP Advanced Training
(1 Day)

This training workshop is for people who are confident in using Precept Upon Precept (PUP) studies and who wish to progress to lead lesson discussion in an existing Precept Bible study group, or start their own group. It is also for existing PUP leaders who want to upgrade or refresh their leadership skills
This workshop also fulfils the training requirement to lead a PUP class.This workshop fulfils the training requirement to lead a PUP class.

Precept Bible School
(3 or 4 Day)
For more detailed information click here.

The Precept Bible School equips students with skills and tools to know God better through leaning how to accurately handle the Word of God, so they can discover truth for themselves, and it empowers them to make disciples of others, so the kingdom of God grows in number and maturity.
We are currently offering 6 courses over a 2-year period and encourage each student to make it a priority to complete all 6 courses. You can start with any of the 6 courses and if you miss a course you can complete it at a later date. We strongly encourage students to disciple others by putting into practice what they have learnt when back in their local communities, and that they also encourage other people to attend the Precept Bible School in-person.

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Precept Ministries Scotland
Scottish Charity No: SC039093
7 Westpark Gate, Saline
Dunfermline, KY12 9US