Be Equipped, Be Empowered and Be Resourced

The Precept Bible School equips students with skills and tools to know God better through leaning how to accurately handle the Word of God, so they can discover truth for themselves, and it empowers them to make disciples of others, so the kingdom of God grows in number and maturity.

We are currently offering 6 courses over a 2-year period and encourage each student to make it a priority to complete all 6 courses.

You can start with any of the 6 courses and if you miss a course you can complete it at a later date. We strongly encourage students to disciple others by putting into practice what they have learnt when back in their local communities.

We look forward to see you at The Precept Bible School shortly!

“To Book onto the Precept Bible School please click here

Comments Made by Students of the Precept Bible School


“Each time I attend the Precept Bible School, the process becomes more familiar and more of the teaching sinks in. Each time I am more stirred and excited about this way of entering God’s Word more deeply and knowing God more, excited to encourage others using the Precept tools”.

Ron & Anne

‘An excellent training with so much depth of the Word. Very well taught. Looking forward to the next one.’
‘A great, encouraging open atmosphere.. Very enjoyable and enlightening. I recommend doing these studies unreservedly. Thank you for making them available to the body of Christ.’

Upcoming Precept Bible School Events

Click below to find out more about all of our upcoming events, including Precept Bible Schools.

Precept Bible School ONLINE – FAITHFUL: A Man and a Woman For Such a Time as This (Esther) 16-18 May 2025.


Precept Bible School ONLINE – COMPLETE: You, Blameless At His Coming (1 Thessalonians) 17-20 Oct 2025

07714 999 792
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Precept Ministries Scotland
Scottish Charity No: SC039093
7 Westpark Gate, Saline
Dunfermline, KY12 9US